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Listen to your Body...

Feeling aches or pains in your muscles, joints, or bones? Got a headache that refuses to go away? Too tired to get out of bed in the morning? All of these signs are your body screaming at you "FEED ME!" Your body needs food and energy to function. During the "starvation" period of the juice fast, alarms are going to be going off in your various internal functions, systems, and organs. You need to pay attention to the warning signs. If you're not careful, you can do irreparable damage to your body.

There are a few symptoms that are a normal side effect of the diet:

  • Headache

  • Irritation

  • Fatigue

  • Brain fog

  • Concentration troubles

  • Bad breath

  • Bowel disturbances/diarrhea

  • Hunger pangs and cravings


You should expect these symptoms to set in once you start the detox, but it's vital that you take note of them. If they get out of control, it could be your body's way of telling you that the juice diet/detox is causing serious problems.

If the symptoms have set in, it may be time to end the juice cleanse--or at least put it on pause. Eat a light meal, complete with healthy fats, lean protein, and complex carbohydrates. Just a few hundred calories of "clean food" will be enough!



Ease in and Out...

​Your body may struggle to deal with sudden changes in your diet, especially if that change involves reducing your diet to 500 to 800 calories per day of ONLY fruits, veggies, and water.


If you want to make the detox/juice cleanse easier on your body, ease into the diet:


Day 5 Before Cleanse: Eliminate all artificial foods and alcohol from your diet.


Day 4 Before Cleanse: Replace one of your daily meals with a fruit/veggie juice.


Day 3 Before Cleanse: Limit yourself to 200 calories' worth of carbs.


Day 2 Before Cleanse: Cut all carbs from your diet.


Day 1 Before Cleanse: Eat mostly fruits and veggies, with a bit of protein.


Takeoff: Start with the first day of your detox-only diet.


This gradual change in your diet will make it easier for your body to acclimate to the Very Low-Calorie Diet.

When ending the diet, do the same thing in reverse. Your digestive system will have grown accustomed to only liquids so it will rebel if you suddenly add a lot of protein, fats, and complex carbs. Ease back into eating normal food, and you'll avoid a lot of digestive problems.


While doing a detox, it is important to know what combinations work for you. And keep in mind the great health benefits it would give you not only while you're in the process but also long after you're done. 





Don't Over-Exercise...


While you're on the detox, it's a good idea to do a bit of exercise. Go walking for 30 minutes, take a short 10-minute jog, or do some moderate bodyweight training or strength training light weights high reps. This will help to boost your metabolism and increase calorie burning during your diet.


However, it's vital that you don't overdo it! You're going to have very little energy thanks to the fact that you're eating next to nothing. If you push your body too hard, stick with very mild to moderate exercise until you're back to eating solid clean food.

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